following are valuable sources when inquiring as to the research
done regarding the Specific Carbohydrate Diet's effect on
patients with Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Celiac, Lupus,
Autism and more.
Selected research related to IBD is also kept here.

Breaking The Vicious Cycle & SCD Research |
Obviously, Elaine Gottschall's
book is the best source of information regarding SCD research.
There are twelve pages of valuable sources and references
in the back of the book.
connection: the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, in Medica
Veritas 1 (2004), by Elaine Gottaschall. Be sure to visit
the autism page for more SCD and
autism information.
The results
of Dr. Leo Galland's study
of the SCD: "...All 20 patients demonstrated a
decrease in symptoms and reduction in medication use. Six
patients have entered complete clinical remission, discontinued
all medication, and maintained remission for five to 80 months...".
Dr. Galland is listed on our SCD-friendly
doctors page. Note: Elaine does not agree with the re-introduction
of "non-glutenous starches".
You must
listen to these audio files:
Rosset on Dr. Ronald Hoffman's 'Healthtalk', June 28,
2000. Those suffering from Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis,
and other digestive disorders can learn how a change in diet
can provide superior, long-term remission.
Gottschall at the Whole Life Expo in Toronto, November
2000. In "Bowel Disorders Cured", Elaine discusses
how she came to write the book, how the diet works, and more!
Ronald Hoffman's article in Conscious Choice, titled "Crohn's
Disease and Ulcerative Colitis" includes a great
explanation of CD and UC, and he explains why he recommends
the SCD to his readers.
Ed in
Holland (www.newtreatments.org)
has compiled a nice collection of research which supports
the SCD. As he points out, "Please remember: To regain
your health, you need to keep an open mind."
out the year 1924 in the United Fruit Historical Society's
about Carbhohydrates
In Nutrition and how they contribute to mucus formation
(something which concerns people with IBD).

Genetics and Heredity |
Genetics and heredity have long
been considered to be linked to Crohn's disease and ulcerative
colitis. Since 1996, chromosome 16 has been marked as general
location of the 'IBD gene'.
announced on May 21st, 2001 indicates that scientists from
two independant studies have identified a gene linked to Crohn's
disease. The article goes on to say "Crohn's disease
appears to be caused by a mix of both inherited and environmental
factors. One theory holds that the disease results from a
faulty response to normal microbes found in the intestines,
leading to an exaggerated immune response against the body's
own tissue. The alterations in the Nod2 protein may explain
part of what leads that immune response astray in some patients."
findings (especially the faulty respone to intestinal microbes)
concur with the research by Dr. S.V. Haas and Elaine Gottschall
implicating microbial growth as a factor in causing Crohn's
disease as well as their advocating the Specific Carbohydrate
Diet in altering the microbial growth both qualitatively and
quantitatively. The full findings relating to the identification
of the gene will appear in the May 31, 2001 issue of Nature.
Dr. Judy Cho, head of one of the research teams says, "We
have long suspected that both genetics and the environment
played a role in inflammatory bowel disease. This finally
allows us to begin to understand how they work together to
cause this disease."
more about the genetic and environment link

Intestinal Bacterium and Nutrition |
A 2008 research article in the European
Journal of Clinical Investigation about a study evaluating
the efficacy of a combined therapy of anti-inflammatory Boswellia
and antifibrotic Scutellaria extracts on the development of
colonic fibrosis in rats (and how this might relate to people
with IBD, especially Crohn's Disease).
An article
in the Cleveland Free Times: "A scientific debate rages
over an uproven theory linking a bacterium
in milk with Crohn's disease -- a debilitating intestinal
disorder afflicting at least four million people worldwide".
A 9-month
double-blind trial of 40 individuals found that a combination
of three probiotic bacteria could
significantly reduce the risk of a pouchitis flare-up.
An article
in Science about the effect of grain-fed
cows on E. coli and IBD.
An article
about the immunodeficiency
hypothesis of Crohn's.
In his
March, 2001 presentation titled "White
House Commission on Complementary & Alternative Medicine",
Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, discusses the importance of nutrition
(including diet and supplements) and lifestyle in staying
healthy. "...Through advances made in understanding the
genetic code locked within our 23 pairs of chromosomes, researchers
have determined that common age-related diseases are not single-gene
diseases and inevitable, but that they are instead controlled
by multiple genes on different chromosomes. They are usually
not expressed as disease until the person's genes are plunged
into a harmful nutritional environment and lifestyle. In a
sense, this relates to the concept of "genetic potential
through nutrition." Nutrition and micronutrients bathe
our genes each day with information from which our phenotypes
Ebringer, MD, or King's College London has some research
diet and ankylosing spondylitis. He believes his "AS
Diet" would also help people with Crohn's disease. The
diet consists of "low intake of starch (no bread, cakes,
potatoes and pasta) has been used in the treatment of AS patients
at the Middlesex Hospital with relative success since 1982.
This has led to a reduction in the quantity of NSAID's required
for alleviating symptoms". This diet is also known as
the "London
AS Diet".

What is IBD? What is Crohn's Disease? |
Read a
tradtional description of IBD,
comparing Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Read a
traditional description of Crohn's
Disease and its treatments.

Italian research supports SCD |
at the University of Bologna,
Italy indicates dietary habits as risk factors for inflammatory
bowel disease.

"Low Carb diets" and IBD |
In J.M.
Kauffman's "Low Carb Diets", published by the Society
for Scientific Exploration, was reviewed in Journal of Scientific
Exploration, March 1, 2004. "...Twenty authors of the
12 books reviewed recommend low carbohydrate diets. Not only
do all of the books have a plausible biochemical rationale
for their advice, but they present histories of extremely
long adherence to low-carbohydrate diets by individuals, many
with medical degrees, with good health being the result. Clinical
observations by 9 of the authors who have extensive experience
treating obese and diabetic patients support the value of
low-carbohydrate diets...
other advantages of low-carbohydrate diets are shown by improvements
in a diverse area of afflictions, from Crohn's and celiac
diseases, to cancer, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis. However,
many other aspects of diet advice in these books are not in
agreement, and a majority of them contain technical errors...
diets, even if maintained for decades, have been demonstrated
to be safe and effective. Nevertheless, they are still considered
to be alternative, and thus targets of attack by certain associations
and governmental agencies..."

Farts, flatulence, and gas |
Learn all about flatulence from
an interview with "Dr. Michael D. Levitt, a gastroenterologist
and associate chief of staff at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs
Medical Center. Levitt, 64, could well be called Dr. Fart because
he is the world's leading authority on flatulence...". |

Conduct your own research |
MedLine is the world's largest medical library and is formally
known as the United States
National Library of Medicine. While they are mainstream
and mostly traditional, the NIH has a very useful Search option
so you can continue your research into IBD.
a public medical resource, contains several articles about
diet and IBD. One such article describes the risks associated
with the frequent intake of rice,
bread, and green tea. You may this link to access a search
dialog window of PubMed.

Lupus |
SCD has been shown to help in other auto-immune diseases, including
lupus. |

Autism |
The SCD has been shown to help in autism.

Science Magazine |
magazine contains a lot of research regarding immunodeficiency
and bacterial causes of IBD. A free account will give you plenty
of article summaries; a paid account will give you even more. |