Long Island SCD Mailing List Addresses

To subscribe, send an e-mail to:


Put subscribe [my@email.address] in the body of the message
Then send it off.
The email address will be added to the mailing list. You have joined!

Note: In the description above, do not include the []'s around your emailaddress.

If you have no luck, contact Linda Kahrs, she will definitely get you on.

To post a message to the mailing list, simply send messages to:


To unsubscribe from this mailing list, please send message containing the word "unsubscribe" followed by your emailaddress, like this: unsubscribe [my@email.address], in the body (and with THE SUBJECT LINE BLANK!) to:


To subscribe digest, (which means that you will receive all letters of the list from the last 24 hours in one long email), send an e-mail to:


Put subscribe [my@email.address] digest in the body of the message and send it off.
(NB: If you are already subscribing to the list, you must unsubscribe first)

To receive a list of valid e-mail commands and instructions on their usage, please send message containing the word "help" to the above address.
Additionally, all commands are listed below.

Send any problem reports or questions to: tyler@invision.net, or, if you have no luck, contact Linda Kahrs: linda@invision.net

General Introduction to the List Manager

This is the Mailing List Manager for Post.Office version v3.0.
The interface is similar to Brent Chapman's "Majordomo".

How to Access the List Manager

You can interact with the List Manager by sending commands in the body of an E-mail message addressed to "SCD-request@Longisland.com".

(Important Note: Commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed.)

Available List Manager Commands

The Post.Office Mailing List Manager understands the following commands:
(Note: In the descriptions below items contained in []'s are optional.
When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it.)

subscribe <list> [<address>]
Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>.

unsubscribe <list> [<address>]
Unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from the named

which Find out which lists you are on.

info <list>
Retrieve the general introductory information for the named <list>.

Show the lists served by this List Manager server.

Find out which lists you are on.

Retrieve this message.

Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature).

Digest facility

If your mailbox is flowing over with mails, you can use the "digest" facility. It means that you will only receive one letter a day, with all letters of the day included. If you would like to change your subscription option from Immediate to Digest, you must first unsubscribe yourself and then resubscribe yourself in digest mode.
In order to do this you must follow the following instructions:

First, unsubscribe from the list:
    1. Send a mail message to SCD-request@longisland.com
    2. In the body, include ONLY the phrase
        unsubscribe SCD-list <your email address>

After you are unsubscribed, (you will get an email confirming your unsubscribing), now subscribe again using these directions:
    3. Send a mail message to SCD-request@longisland.com
    4. In the body, include ONLY the phrase
        subscribe SCD-list <your email address> digest

Read the welcome message and more about the Long Island SCD mailing list here.

What is the Long Island SCD mailing list?

What is the Maelstrom St. Johns IBD-Diet mailing list?

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