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SCD for Everyone



I just felt that I should respond to this email.  As some of you may know, I live with Melissa who  has been on the diet for 2 years now.  She has been  off her medication for more than 1 year and is feeling
great.  Since we live together, I too, have been following the diet although not as strictly.  I feel great!!  I have made it through 2 winters without a single hint of a cold, my energy level has increased, my skin has cleared up, and I am proud to say that I eat a full healthy meal every night and most lunches.  People at my work are jealous of my eating habits and wish they could do the same. I have gotten to the point that I eat SCD legal food even when she is not there because it tastes better, it is healthier and it sure beats take out!!! Both of our parents are now eating some of our SCD         dishes such as the lasagna, our turkey burritos (without the tortilla of course), and the banana pancakes.  And not to forget, the muffins!! As mentioned below, it is interesting how many people (especially vegetarians) replace meat by tons of  grains and starches to keep their energy level up.  Some friends will not eat a piece of chicken, but they will finish 5 pieces of bread, a bowl of rice and sweet deserts before the end of the meal.  But hey, you CANNOT tell them they are not eating healthy. In any case, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents.  This diet has helped Melissa lead a full and healthy life.  We have managed to bring SCD legal foods on our camping trips and travels, we are heading for a 4 day trek through the Grand Canyon in Sept..  This diet has changed both of our lives for the better. Good luck to all.

PS: Does anyone want to open a SCD only restaurant? I often think, if I actively promoted the SCD to all the people I think would benefit from it  most of them would think I was crazy. 


Elaine writes:

By the postings on today's email including yours, we are going to win this fight to get this wonderful information out to everyone. Today on (and it changes every day, BTVC was 807 from number 1.  When you consider that they handle 1000's of books, that is just great, I think. Today we broke the 1000 barrier.  We had been l057, l068, l874, etc.   But tomorrow I may be in l5,000 for bragging.


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The Healing Crow is a nonprofit corporation. Information published by The Healing Crow is intended to expand the knowledge of the reader about health issues. It is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Our mission is to educate the public about chronic illnesses and corresponding non-drug related treatments. We encourage others to critically examine all avenues of information pertaining to health including: naturopaths, chiropractors, physicians, medical and scientific papers, and others; in order to make an informed decision. We believe a patient has the right to question a health source without taking any medical advice on faith. The best patient is an informed one. Before instituting a major change in diet or nutrition please consult a worthy expert in nutrition or a doctor. Although we believe our information to be as accurate as possible, discrepancies may arise. If you have a personal story and would like to include your testimonial on our site, please email us at the link above.

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