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Is it the Wine?



Hi everyone. I just wanted to write a cheerful message because I am feeling so good. So many of you have helped me more than you know, so I felt it would only be fair to share my good results recently!

I have been doing better and better. I had gotten myself into another flare recently and was really scared. I have pulled out of it now with flying colors. I credit my recovery of course to the diet, but particularly to a huge SALAD everyday. I realize that eating raw vegetables is usually problemsome for most of us, so I am not recommending this for anyone. But my usually problem is not diahrea, it is more like constipation, where I am straining and struggling, almost like giving birth, just to have a BM. I talked to my GI doctor about this recently and told him that I have been eating a huge salad everyday thinking that my problem with the constipation stems from the fact that since my colon is inflamed, it is more narrow than it should be, so less BM is able to come out, hence my struggling. My struggling would get so bad that I would throw up and then blood would be dripping into the toilet. Anyway, he actually agreed with my on my thinking and thought salad was a good thing. Well, it is. And aside from that, I have been drinking two glasses everyday of dry red wine. I must say that I really HATE the taste of wine, but I do like the calmed down feeling it gives me. It helps me sleep at night and makes me less anxious. And beyond that, drinking the wine coincided with my feeling better and better, so I am not about to give it up. I have also been eating a lot of yogurt using the stonyfield as a starter. I had been eating a ton of yogurt (actually that is about all I was eating in my flare) and unfortunately I think it aggravated the flare. But now that things have calmed down, the yogurt is doing great with me. I eat about two cups a day..and use some as my salad dressing. My BMs are truly trophies right now. Yes, there is a bit of blood but I am not concerned since that is usually the last thing to go away. Anyway, thanks to everyone who guided me on the wine and everything else. I enjoy you all so much and appreciate all your help!


Elaine writes:

That wine is magic! I can remember Dr. Haas telling me to give it to eight year old Judy and I did and all I can do is pass on this wisdom. With some of you people, a smaller percentage, the nerves really get that adrenalin pumping and shunting that blood with oxygen and nutrients away from the gut. The liquor did the trick and that is why Dr. Haas told us to give dry wine to our 8 year old with her meals to relax her.


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