Midwestern Turkey Meatballs with Yogurt & Dill Sauce

l lb. ground turkey
l/8 t ground cloves
1/4t chili powder [See pages 77 and 114 in Lucy's Cook Book about chilie powder]
l/2 t fresh dill
l/2 t dried dill
l/2 t salt
Cup  homemade SCD yogurt, divided
half chopped onion
l T freshly squeezed lemon juice
l/4 Cup parsley,chopped
l/2 t garlic minced
1/2 t salt.

   Preheat oven 400 degree  Mix the turkey with 3 T yogurt, onion,  lemon juice, parsley, garlic, salt, cloves & chili powder.
   Shape in meatballs.  Place on a shallow pan & bake 25 mins, turning meatballs once midway through.  Mix remaining yogurt, dill to make saucePour yogurt dill sauce over meatballs.
